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Manage And Convert Doctor To Doctor Referrals Like Never Before
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Improve Your Referral System

Improve Sending Referrals

  • Ease-Of-Use: The most efficient way to send referrals.
  • ​Communication: Know how your patients are being treated.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Show your patients you care about them.
  • ​Protect Yourself: Avoid liability with proof of documentation.
  • ​Referral Lookup: Find the best doctors to send referrals to.
  • ​Patient Referrals: Easily install a referral form on your website for patients.

Improve Receiving Referrals

  • Tracking: Never lose contact with incoming referrals.
  • ​Patient Conversion: Automated reach out to guarantee referral communication.
  • ​Referral Rewards: Drawings and prizes for referring doctors.
  • ​Stand Out: Make it easier for referring doctors to send you leads with Referral Buttons.
  • ​Analytics: Keep tabs on who sends you referrals and how they convert.

Dr. Sorensen says:

"ReferralWeb gives doctors the opportunity to be on the cutting edge, using a simple technology that is becoming a primary mode of how the world communicates and does business. It conveys to the patient that their doctor is at the forefront of their profession."

Dr. Plumb says:

"Using ReferralWeb is so much better than handing the patient a card and sending them on their way. It improves my communication with the specialist, and I can be sure that they are getting the patient's information Referred patients are not slipping through the cracks, but are much more likely to get the care they need."
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